Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Another compost layer

Chopped down one of the bushes by the back sink, cut it up a bit more with the cutlass, added some kitchen scraps then made another layer.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Compost turn

Added a little more frozen green to the pile and turned it for the first time - there is some evidence of decomposition. The cardboard I was using as a cover had blown off and the pile was pretty dry. Added some water and re-covered.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

First Ollatek planted!

Got some 1 gal grow bags and just planted the first one - 2 jiffy pots, each with 2 chives. Used a mix of the La Vega topsoil on the bottom, soil mix in the centre and potting mix on top. Used the small olla, soaked it well then put it in full sun. Will water for a few days until the roots get through the jiffy pot walls.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Chadon Beni kaput

The chadon beni did not make it - pulled them out of the jiffy pots and they came out without any roots. The pots were pretty dry at the end.
Planted 2 Pak Choi seeds in each pot - oasis cube at the centre.

No Scorpion

Decided against doing the Scorpion pepper - will focus initially on the ones likely to sell better, like tomatoes, ochro etc.

Chadon Beni issues

The chadon beni I had planted seems to be having some trouble - I'm thinking that the jiffy cube may be too moist for them. They initially started out looking good but have deteriorated in the last couple days.

Not too fast

Originally had plans to do cucumber, watermelon etc. but have decided not to bite off too much in the earlies. Will stick with what I have already planted, get comfortable with handling those before expanding.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Online journal

Started using the online gardening journal at I expect to use it for details about the actual plants and use this blog for mainly general topics - trying to avoid duplication.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

More grow bags

Ordered some 2 gal grow bags and some irrigation fittings. So I will have 2, 3 and 10 gal to test - will try multiple plants in some of the larger pots.

Olla test

Put together a couple ollas yesterday and filled one to test today - seems to be working well, but I need to be a little cleaner with the silicone I think. Now for the live test!

Monday, February 11, 2019


The Pak Choi has germinated! A bit sooner than I expected - the seed pack says germination in 10 - 14 days and this is only the 4th day!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Compost started!

Built the first 2 bins today and made a start - 3 layers of brown, 2 green. Will keep adding.

Compost greens

Went to Bhagwansingh's to pick up the angle and mesh to make the bins - passed by the market and realised that all I have to do is pass by on a Saturday afternoon and I'll get all the greens I could possibly use.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Hoping to go organic

By using my own compost I am hoping to go organic. I also plan to plant companion plants like chadon beni to help control / prevent insect pests. The ollas should help suppress weeds because the surface will stay dry and a well watered plant should be more robust and resistant. Therefore I am hoping not to have major issues with either diseases or pests, and to be able to handle those that i experience with natural remedies.

Compost plans

A major part of this new project will be making my own compost. I am planning 6 bins on the lower level - each 3 x 3 x 3 feet. Hopefully tomorrow I will get the steel and mesh to construct at least the first couple bins.

I've been saving kitchen scraps in the freezer until ready. Once the 6 bins are constructed I intend to check a couple vegan restaurants for their scraps.

The mix for the grow bags might be 50% soil, 50% compost

Seeds planted +

Today probably marks the official start of this new project.

I had ordered some grow bags on Amazon - got those today. Wanted to check out the sizes before deciding on the design of my ollas. Also bought some potting mix and planted some seeds in Jiffy pots - 4 each of the following (all Ferry  Morse):

Peppers: Jalapeno Mild, Grand Bell Mix
Tomato: Supersweet 100 VF Hybrid Pelleted, Red Cherry Large Fruited
Okra: Emerald
Pak Choy: Toy Choy

The intention is to get them in the grow bags with ollas as a proof of concept. The tomatoes are indeterminate so we'll see how large they end up. I got 10 gal bags for the tomatoes and 3 gal for the others.

I also have some Scorpion in some of the Oasis cubes I've had for years. The seeds have also been there for years so we will see.

Back after 4 years

So here we go again! Almost 4 years since the last post!

A couple of weeks ago I decided to clean up the lower level of the yard downstairs, which was completely out of control and un-useable. We are going through a severe dry season and my idea was to grow something down there using a grey water system.

After a lot of online research I had made up my mind to use raised beds and install a drip irrigation system. I then happened upon some information on a couple of things which changed everything - ollas and grow bags.

I am now looking at a commercial project for supplying the market with mature fruiting plants - tomatoes, peppers, herb combos etc. - in grow bags fitted with ollas.