Thursday, February 12, 2015

Signs of life

First signs of life - a couple seeds have started to sprout!

Monday, February 2, 2015


I've had some seeds in the fridge for the last couple years so I'm not sure if they'll still be viable but I'm giving them a try.  I'm using Oasis grow cubes I've had in storage for a long time and this morning I sowed the foll:
Scorpion, pimento, Ferry Morse Better Boy Hybrid tomato, Ferry Morse Mini Bell Blend sweet peppers, (Outer) Ferry Morse Jalapeno M, Ferry Morse Caribbean Red peppers.

Brian sent some seeds down for me which I am desperately trying to find.


Living upstairs now so I'm converting the rock garden area - it had a huge ratchet cactus which I've just cut up and dug out - I will probably expand the area a bit. The soil in there is full of stones so I'll have some work ahead of me to get it sorted out. I'll also plant some stuff in pots.

Back at it!

After a very long break I'm trying again with a kitchen garden. Prices in the supermarket for tomatoes, peppers etc. are ridiculous!